Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Well-Spoken Wednesday--Author Spotlight and Giveaway Reminder

Do you remember our author interview with Sandra Stiles?  A wonderful reader left her another question, and being as gracious as she is, she has responded.

Question:  Why did you become an author?

Answer:  I've always written.  It was my outlet for any emotions.  When I'm angry or extremely frustrated I write poetry.  It must be in the genes.  My father wrote songs.  One of my students was frustrated I was giving yet another writing assignment.  I modeled it for the class by creating a story with them.  This particular student asked why I didn't write books for my shelves because they always liked what I wrote.  So I did.  I see or hear something and before I know it I have a synopsis for a new book written and filed away for the future.    It is something I've come to realize I really love to do.

Don't forget.  There is a giveaway for a signed copy of her book still going on!  It has very low entries, and it is open worldwide!  Check it out here.  

Thank you, Sandra, for being so gracious to continue to answer questions posed by readers of my blog!


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