I was smart to make this sporadic! I did take my daughter and her friend to see The Guardians today. I highly recommend it!! Don't take little tiny kids to it--they probably should be around 5 at least. There were some kids who were too young there today, and it really ruined it sometimes for me because the mother kept taking a kid out, and the kids cried, laughed, and generally made noise. I have no problem with kids going to see movies and shows. My daughter saw her first show before she was one year old.
Hopefully I will share a review of the film we saw today, and I have to get some more giveaways going. And our 100 follower challenge is almost there! Eight more followers to go. Then I will pick two people randomly to get something special. By the way, if you subscribe in another way or follow me privately and you wanted to be included in the giveaway, please e-mail me privately. (ruthaw_1974@yahoo.com)
I don't feel so tired--maybe I'll do a little bit of reading. We'll see how I feel after the next two posts. Have a great night!!
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