Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twilight Tuesday #2--the Twilight Edition

I know it's late again tonight, but I had not forgotten.  Things have been so busy around here that I want to have a friendly competition.  I'm not sure what the winner will receive, but I know it will be small but nice.  I just can't spill my heart on you tonight.  I am very tired.

In keeping with the theme of twilight, I would like for you to look at the clip art here and write an original story about what you think  might be  happening.  It's your chance to do some creative writing.  You can make  these as  long or as short as you like.  You may post your entries here, or if you like, you may e-mail them directly to me at ruthaw_1974@yahoo.com. Just make sure you put twilight contest in the subject line.

Okay, I know it sounds crazy--I know  it does--but it's nearly eleven here, and I am rather sleep-deprived.  I will accept entries from now until Friday, October 8 at 10:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.  I will only be using random.org if I have more than one  entry that I feel is well-written and fits the theme well.

I bet you weren't expecting this from me tonight--okay, I wasn't expecting to do it either.  I have some good ideas for a prize, but I think  I'll keep all of those hidden until a winner is chosen.  By the way, only one entry per person.  However, I will add this.  If you have a family member--even a child--who would like to write the story instead of you, please feel free to do so.  If you would rather write a poem, be my guest.  All creative writing  genres are open.  I won't be expecting a 200-page novel  from anyone, but if you're up for the challenge, who am I to stop you??  One more qualifier.  Do try to keep the story PG-rated.  I would like to be able to post these on here, and I do want to keep this a Christian blog.

So go ahead and get your thinking caps on!  And no, you do not have to be a follower of this blog to participate.  But we are almost at 100 followers, and you know what that means!  My 100 followers giveaway if soon coming.  And don't forget about my other  giveaway!


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