Sunday, September 11, 2011

Menu (9/12-9/18) Yes, I am late, I know!

First of all, I am sorry for posting my menus late.  With all my giveaway events as of late and all the emotional turmoil in the house, I just haven't been able to concentrate on menus.  I am also back to work now, so that figures into everything as well.  You may see me miss posts now and then due to the school year being back in full swing, but I will do my best to keep up with the important stuff--giveaways and this day in history.

Okay, now onto this week's menus. Last week's menu is just about history.  We will be having Eggs Benedict tomorrow night.  My mom ended up using the rhubarb for a different kind of dessert, so we didn't make that.  Nothing special to report on the chimichangas or taco ring.  They were fine, but not overly good.  Just average.

We'll have garlic bread with this.

We'll have this with potatoes from our garden.

We'll have some kind of veggies with this.


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