This musical is the story of Eva Peron, the former first lady of Argentina who died of cancer back in the 1940's. This is a musical that Argentina refuses to acknowledge claiming that it is not a true representation of the life of the revered Eva. I have not researched the story of her life enough to make a judgment call, but I would say that there has to be some truth to the story. The musical is a rock opera--told almost entirely through song and dance. Patti LuPone was the original Broadway Eva Peron. I had no idea of this when I watched her short-lived TV show Life Goes On about a boy with Down's Syndrome (I absolutely loved that show and wished it had not ended so soon!).
In total, the show ran 1567 performances ending June 26, 1983. While I know that it does deal with adult themes and has some language issues, I don't see either as being something that keeps me from watching it. The language is very mild, and thankfully there are no sex scenes. If you ever get a chance to see the movie, I would recommend it. I am not a Madonna fan, but I liked her in this film.
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