Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Devotions

I have sensed that this school year I absolutely must do family devotions. I know I have a busy schedule, but it does not mean that I cannot fit this into my time schedule. My daughter knows a lot about God and the Bible, but there is so much she doesn't know. I am convinced at this point that she is saved as far as her knowledge and understanding go. She knows the right answers, and she prays each evening. But application? She knows very little about it.

Okay, I know she's only 7, but she is above average when it comes to intelligence. She doesn't have much common sense (tragic, but true), but she understands and believes the gospel of Christ as presented in the Bible. Our church does a good job with the children's ministry, but I think sometimes too much emphasis is put on fun and not enough on Biblical teaching. Probably a pretty natural criticism of a children's ministry.

Lord God, I pray that as the school year comes upon us that You will instill in my the importance and necessity of family devotions. May nothing dissuade me from my goal. I tried to do it last year, but I decided not to. I let other things get in the way. I am very sorry that I let worldly cares keep me from making this a priority in our family. May I find the time once a week to sit down with Martha in spite of my dad or Martin or church or anything else. Guide me as I use the materials I have, and direct me to other ones You would have me do with Martha. Prepare her heart even now. Amen.

Thanks, dear reader, for reading this morning. May your day be blessed. If any of you have suggestions for family devotions, either material or websites or anything else, feel free to post. Thanks!


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