Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop Again (hosted by Never Growing Old)

I absolutely love blog hopping! I am hooked! Java over at Never Growing Old has done it again, so here goes!


1. What is your favorite kind of doughnut?

Hard to decide. I love maple bars, but I love old-fashioned as well. You know, I guess if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with the old-fashioned because I am sure I could eat the whole thing. The maple bar might make me sick. I couldn't eat the whole thing any more!

2. How often do you pray?

I pray several times every day. In fact, you might say God and I are in constant communication. When I don't pray, I mess up really big time!!

3. What is your favorite kind of music?

Musical theatre is still tops as far as I'm concerned, but country music runs it a close second. In fact, country is what I listen to mostly. But I also find that I need a variety of music or I get bored.

4. What do you order when you eat Chinese food?

You would ask this. Okay, I love sesame chicken, but it's pretty unhealthy. So if I'm being healthy, I order a beef and broccoli or something that is not fried. Otherwise, it's sesame or sweet and sour chicken. Again, I need variety though. I can't stand going in and ordering the same thing over and over again.

5. Would you rather snowboard in the winter or swim in the summer?

Let's see. I can't snowboard--I'm sure I'd fall if I tried. I love to swim! Easy answer.


  1. We matched a few answers!

    If you'd like to see my answers, here's the link:

  2. Chocolate doughnut is my fav....its yummy!!
    I am your newest follower!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi - thanks for following my blog today. I appreciate your stopping by!

    I love any kind of donut with goey creamy filling. Also like Kolaches. Yum.
    Chinese - I like the chicken & broccoli, but usually end up ordering something like mushroom broccoli. I hate how big the meat is. Huge chunks that are so hard to eat.

    I have a couple of bookreviews coming up on the family literacy blogs that include things you can do with your son. =0) So watch for 'em.

    Have an awesome day!
    Tina "The Book lady"

  4. Hmmm - Your GFC seems to be down and your facebook button isn't showing. I'll try to check back in the next day or so and follow you back. Thanks!


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