Sunday, August 29, 2010

Library Loot August 28

I don't remember if I did this last week.  But it looks like fun!  It is hosted by Let Them Read  Books.  Here are the rules:

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Marg and Claire that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post, visit one of their blogs and link to Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

I am constantly getting books from the library.  Mainly it is that I prefer not having to buy books.  And sometimes I find a book that I want to own.  That was the case this week.  Here is what I currently have checked out of the library--as far as books go.

I am currently reading this book, and so far, I like it.  I think I only read the first chapter.  I'll certainly review it when I'm done.

I finished this book this week.  I reviewed it which you can read here.  It was the first real romance novel I ever read, and I would highly recommend it.

This is a book I plan on owning.  I reviewed it this week here.  My daughter loves Star Wars, and she was quite willing to cook from this book.  And the pictures are fantastic.

I also plan on owning this book.  It is fantastic, and you can read the mini-review I wrote this week here.

On Hold:
I am looking forward to reading this book.  It has been on hold a while, so it must be pretty popular.

I won't go into all the books I am waiting on.  I have a few, and my list is very long of books to read.  But this will take care of this week.


  1. Hi...I'm your newest follower. I entered a couple of giveaway and kept seeing your name, so thought I would give you a follow. Please feel free to follow back if you would like. I am an advid book reader also! I'm having my first giveaway that ends tomorrow. Come by and check it out! Would love to see you there.

  2. Claude & Camille is on my list at the library! I've heard good things about it. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Lisa Kleypas is a great place to start reading romance!

    One of these days I will get around to reading Claude and Camille!

    And welcome to Library Loot. Be sure to leave your link at either Claire's blog or my blog so that others can come and see what loot you have as well!


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