Sunday, August 29, 2010

My First Big Craft Giveaway

Well, if anyone knows me, they know that there was a period of time in my life when I collected craft kits--and I don't just mean a few.  I used to hit the after-Christmas sales and the thrift stores.  I bought so many kits that I had at least 5 tubs full.  Large Rubbermaid tubs!!

Yes, I did a lot of crafts over the years.  I loved cross stitch and embroidery.  And when these kits were so cheap, it was worth it. 

But life happened.  I was in an unhappy marriage.  I taught full-time.  My daughter came along.  And now I just don't have the time to these.  And my daughter will do some of them, but she is very active.  Crafts are fun, but she would rather play a video game or just run and jump.

So I decided it was time to get rid of some of these kits.  I've gotten rid of a lot over the years.  But I still have some.  You can see in the picture that I am giving away 7 kits.  They are probably about 5-10 years old, but they have not been opened.  Most of these kits are no longer made by their companies.  I know that many of you are very crafty, and you could use these. 

I will post a few more pictures so you can see them up close.

Interested?  Well, I hope many of you are.  I would much rather give these to my wonderful readers rather than try to sell them on ebay.  (I used to do that--I just don't have the time!)

Rules for entry are as follows:

1.  What kind of crafts do you like to do?  Or if you don't do any, what kind of craft would you like to learn?
2.  Follow me via Google Friend Connect.
3.  Add me as a friend on facebook.  (Leave facbook name.)
4.  Blog about and/or facebook this giveaway.  Leave me the link to where I can find it. (1 entry for each.)
5.  Grab my button and place it on your blog.  Leave a link so I can find it.
6.  Tell me how these kits would be used or who would use them.

Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry.  Also leave you e-mail address if it is not accessible in your profile.  Entries to the contest will close on  September 6 at 10:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


  1. Wow, 5 big totes full is a lot! I enjoy scrap booking and making jewelery. I'd love to learn how to sew though.

  2. I added you on facebook. My name is Kendra Smith

  3. I added your button to my page here:

  4. I'll be using the kits. Maybe when my daughter gets older she can help me out and we can do crafts together.

  5. I love making hair bows and I've even been blessed enough to make it into a side business!

  6. I would probably take the kits and let some of my speech kiddos at school use them! It would be a fun following directions task!

  7. I enjoy making ornaments & cards!

  8. The Ladies Bible Breakfast will use them for their holiday sale!

  9. When I was pretty young, around 7, my grandmother taught me how to knit. And ever since then it's been a hobby of mine. I used to make everyone scarfs for their birthdays and Christmas.
    Something I'd love to do is learn how to crochet.

    alionandalamb at aol dot com

  10. I follow this blog.

    alionandalamb at aol dot com

  11. Comment #7 was chosen by, and I am contacting the writer of this comment. Thanks.


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