Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday--Crayons

Before I start, I just have to say that I am starting to figure everything out on blogs, and it is so exciting when I figure things out.  My mom found it so funny a few minutes ago when I got excited and told myself how well I was doing.  I say that because I have even learned how to link pictures to blogs--which I will have to do since I don't see the html code anywhere on the blog of the host of this blog hop.  Up till now, I just entered the code for the picture.  No more!! Go me!!!

Okay, so this week's "Tell the Truth Thursday" is hosted by The Redheaded Riter.  I always love reading her blog because you just never know what she is going to say next, and she really makes you think!!  So here's today's question.

    If you were a crayon, what color would you be??

Okay, this is an interesting one to answer.  My favorite color was always sky blue, midnight blue, or royal blue.  But if I had to be a crayon color, would that really show off who I am?  Would it show the different sides of my personality and the workings of my inner mind?  

When I was in school, I always searched for silver or gold.  They were always the hard colors to find, and I didn't want to part with them when I was done with them.  And I seem to feel drawn to one of those colors.

I don't think I would pick gold because that brings up images of royalty like kings, queens, princesses, dukes, duchesses--no, not for me.  I just couldn't live my life like that.  In fact, when I wear jewelry, when given the choice, I  did not prefer wearing golden jewelry.  Nope, my choice was silver.

And that is what I would be.  I would be a silver crayon.  Silver is color that is not included in every box of crayons.  It's not the "normal" color found in a child's simple box of crayons.  And that describes me.  I am not a commonplace person.  I'm not trying to say I'm better than everyone else.  Goodness, how often do you color something silver?  Not very often.  In fact, it is often overlooked.  It is only used for special effects.  And sometimes when it is used, it is scratched off and replaced with a different color.  Other colors are used more often.  But when silver is used, it is noticed.  And it stands out.

I think the silver crayon describes me well.  Throughout my life, I have been overlooked.  I have talent in many areas--music, writing, teaching, academics, cooking, many more things.  But there was always someone with a more vibrant personality around, and sometimes they were better than me at whatever the talent was.  But certainly that person was more willing to show off their talent and be recognized.  Sometimes that person was even pushy.  So I would wait in the background.

I can think of many occasions where suddenly the overlooked one (me) was suddenly needed.  And all of a sudden, people would realize that I was very good at what I did.  I had talent, and I deserved the recognition.  And I would get it.  At last.  And I would stand out without having to be pushy!  Then I would be put away until I was needed again.  And just like the silver crayon, I would wait patiently until my next moment to shine.  

Wow, I liked this one.  I didn't expect to be so introspective.  Hope I didn't bore you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to make your acquaintance Ruth,
    You are a shining silvery star and I love your color choice. It is unique. Kudos!!
    I am following you and catching up with visiting everyone for our TTTT with RedRiter.
    Happy Friday


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