Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop (hosted by Never Growing Old)


1. What is your favorite dessert? I love chocolate peanut butter pie, cookies, candy, ice cream--I think I make my point!

2. What do you wear to bed? It varies. I have 2 piece pajamas, nightshirts, and nightgowns. I probably wear 2-piece most of the time.

3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures? Never had them, don't want them.

4. Did you play any sports in high school? I can't play a sport to save my life. Music--that was my life in high school. Choir, choir, and choir. I took swimming in high school which I enjoyed. The funny thing is that I love subbing in P.E. classes. Go figure!!

5. Do you have an iPod? Nope, and no plans to get one. I have a Zune mp3 player, and I'm happy. I just don't like Ipods. I had one at my last job as a music teacher, and it froze up completely!


  1. stopping by to say hi from MMM!

    its me,

  2. Stopping by to say Hi :)
    Enjoyed reading your answers.

  3. I am now following your thanks to Meet & Greet Monday and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog! Plus, don't forget, if you need any help tweaking your blog or easy HTML tips, you know where to come!
    Today we talk about another how to unclutter your blog tip, so come on by! Happy Monday!

  4. Ruth, thanks for stopping by.

  5. I have something on my blog for you.

  6. Mmmm I love ice cream!

    I am a new follower from Meet Me Monday

    Hope you can stop by and visit my blog, I have some great giveaways going on right now.

    Have a Great Day!

  7. Hi Ruth! I am following you too! Isn't it nice to be appreciated? :)


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