Friday, August 27, 2010

Star Wars Cookbooks Review

I don't remember where I was--some blog I'm sure, but I don't recall which one--but these books caught my eyes.  I think it was the Wookie Cookies one that first interested me.  I got on the library website, and I found both of these.  I have tried to get my daughter interested in cooking.  She is 7, and she is quite the tomboy.  And she loves Star Wars.  Okay, she loves science fiction, superheroes, cars, etc.

I requested these at the library, and really took and interest.  She read through them, and then later on, I told her to go through and pick out some potential recipes to try.

As I was planning out recipes for the week, I decided to pick up these books.  I love the pictures and the titles of the recipes.  I have only tried a couple recipes, but my daughter has been enthralled.

The first one I tried was in the second one, and the recipe is called "Anarkin's Apple Crisp."  Although my daughter ultimately didn't like the recipe, she was so excited to cook with me.  She was even reading the recipe--go figure!!  This apple crisp was very different.  It uses pecan shortbread cookies, and it is not overly juicy.  Of course, I did use Pink Lady apples instead of the typical Granny Smith.  And I did not peel the apples.  Seriously, I never do.  Even when making apple pies.  I just don't see the point.  I don't even peel potatoes very often.  I know it's strange.  But it works, in my opinion.

Also in that book was "Cantina Chile."  I made a few changes, but it was not overly spicy and seemed more like a bean soup.  I liked the use of the garbanzo beans, kidney beans, and black beans together.  I added ground turkey to it because I didn't feel like keeping it a vegetarian recipe.

I have yet to actually cook out of the other cookbook, but I expect it to be excellent as well.  So if you have a Star Wars fan amongst you, you might check these books out.  I plan to buy them at my earliest opportunity.  The pictures and the names of the recipes are almost worth it alone.

Blessings, and
May the Force Be With You!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to get a child interested in cooking! I love it. I also rarely peel my fruit or potatoes when cooking. Most of the time the end result is the same and you don't lose the nutrients that near the surface of the peel.


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