Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting to Know Me

Mannland5 is hosting this at her site, and I decided to join in for something a little fun!

1. What kind of athlete has the hottest body? You know, I'm not into athletes. Now if we're talking about musicians, I could go on and on!

2. Are you a planner or a procrastinator? Definitely a planner. I used to have my whole life planned out. God made some changes to that!

3. Diet or regular (soda)? Diet all the way!

4. What's your one "must have" for Fall? I'd like a teaching job for Fall! But I'll take a sub job. (I know I'm answering some of these differently than some women would!!)

5. What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-Fil-A! I miss them so much!!

6. What do you think is the sexiest profession for a guy? Honestly, to be a fantastic husband and father. And man of God. That's what I want in a guy!

7. Did you wear braces? No, but I should have!! My dentist never brought it up.

8. Would you rather have a guy that's super sexy or kind? Give me a gentleman any day!!


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