Saturday, February 4, 2012

3 in 30 Challenge February Goals

Well, I didn't do too horribly last month on my goals, and I know I technically already set my goals, but I think that I am going to set three completely new goals.  I need something new, so I am setting 3 new goals for this month's 3 in 30 challenge.  I will make my goals attainable and specific.

1.  I will change my lunch and snack routines this month so that I am eating healthier.  As I have examined my eating habits, I have discovered that my problem is that I am relying on too many carbs again and not enough protein, veggies, and fruit.

2.  I will actually do a new project this month--try something new.  That was a goal I set for a New Year's resolution, and all I did last month was learn how to survive a power outage in the country.  I am not certain what I will do, but it will be something new.

3.  I will clean up my blog buttons--at least somewhat.  I would like to have my blog looking about 1/4 the way I would like it.  I will probably start with the buttons and work up.  So we'll see how much I accomplish.

So there are my goals.  Let's hope I do accomplish them!


  1. You've got great goals! I need to work on my snack choices as well since I have about twenty pounds of "baby" weight to lose. I knew all of that ice cream while I was pregnant would come back to haunt me. *Sigh*

    1. Don't despair. I have been there. I used to weigh 205 after my baby, and I now weigh about 150. It takes a change of lifestyle which is the hardest part. But it is doable!


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