Monday, December 31, 2012

Goddess Fish: "Fateful Waters" by J.M. Anton Guest Post/Giveaway (Ends 1/11) U.S.

J.M. Anton


            Follow Melinda Potter and Alexandra Parker, across the country, as the friends travel from their home on the shores of Lake Erie to the drought-stricken state of Texas. After graduation from The Ohio State University, Melinda has a date with an online Romeo. Lexie, who is supposed exert a moderating influence on her impulsive friend, winds up in a hospital where she wakes to everyone calling her Mrs. Ross.  She doesn’t have a clue how she got there, or who Mr. Ross is.

The SUV skidded in the slime now covering the previously dry, dusty road. Lexie retrieved her phone from an inside pocket of her navy colored, leather, handbag. Disgusted, she laid it on the center console. Smart or not, the directional phone apps had not shed any light on her dilemma. She was really beginning to feel lousy, so she twisted of the cap on the antibiotic that she had just picked up at the drugstore. The prescription label said it was to be taken with food, but she was desperate to head of a recurrence of what sure felt like the flu, so she downed the pill with the remainder of a bottle of water she’d placed in the cup holder. Lexie picked up the small communication device, located Melinda’s name, and she poked the small screen much harder than required to connect to her friend. She wanted to scream! Why me Lord? Melinda didn’t have a clue how to direct her. While her friend checked with David, she slipped into her navy jacket. As the rain increased the heat of earlier began to cool, and she was experiencing a chill. Lexie switched from the air conditioner to the heater.

She was sitting in the middle of a dirt road, in an increasing rain, and the surface was quickly becoming a quagmire. She hoped that Melinda, was writing down directions, and that was why she was taking so much time.

Roommates since their freshman year at Ohio State, Alexandra Parker and Melinda Potter had become close friends. After nearly five years, their friendship had grown to the point they each knew the other’s personality quirks. Lexie knew Melinda well enough to be skeptical about the accuracy of the written directions that her friend had left for her when she went on ahead with David. Commonsense had dictated that she enter his ranch address in the GPS, just in case.

Guest Post by the author
Hello everyone,

I would like to take a moment to thank Ruth for this opportunity to share a little about myself with all of you.

A Day In the life of J. M. Anton:

Okay it’s 8 AM and the horses are fed. A quick breakfast, then load the dishwasher, so my husband doesn’t have to do it again. Post breakfast, I check my e-mails. That takes a good chunk out of my morning, as I now have three e-mail accounts.

10 AM Help my hubby turn out the horses before I return the e-mails that weren’t deleted as junk mail. I don’t know about the rest of you, but junk e-mail, junk snail mail, and telemarketing phone calls can put a real dent in my day. Consequently, I ignore all of the above when I sit down to work on a writing project.

This is where things get a bit off schedule, and I never know which hat I will be wearing on a given day, or indeed for that particular part of the day. It’s a matter of inspiration. Outside events can trigger the creative juices. For example one of the horses does something that would be a great inclusion for the current Backyard Horse Tale that I may be working on. On those occasions I put on my horse persona to narrate from the horses point of view. No I don’t put on a horsey hat with fuzzy ears, but I transition into Jackie Anton, the author of the family-friendly chapter book series.

My stomach is growling at me, and my husband is wondering what is for lunch. He usually doesn’t bother me unless it’s past 2PM. I do lose track of time when I am involved in a story.

Back at the computer, I read over the last few pages to regain my thought process. I can’t quite get it, so I leave it behind and go ride my horse for a couple of hours. It’s time to think about dinner once my equine pal is cooled out and in his stall.

We go out to dinner several times a week. This is where character analysis comes in. Describe your fellow diners: not just their physical appearance but facial and body language. Where are they going, and where have they just come from? I don’t ask them; this is a mental exercise that helps me when developing realistic fictional characters. Interesting characters are all around us-- at the grocery store, the post office, friends, and family. I am always looking for what makes some folks interesting and others boring. Some just fade into their surrounding. Is it a choice, or have they just always been that way?

The house is quiet now and I have been pecking away at the keyboard for hours, and it’s 2AM. I’m getting a little foggy, but my characters aren’t ready to quit any time soon. When they get like that you have to just let them work it out, even if you lose some sleep. My adult book characters are not as polite as those in my horse tales, and they are much more demanding. There are some that I really don’t like much, but they always make the story more interesting.

I just finished the text for the book trailer of “Fateful Waters,” and have a few pages penned on the sequel “Firestorm of the Heart.”

The book that is the subject of this tour was a NaNoWriMo winning entry last November 2011. I have entered the November writing challenge again this year. The object is to write a fifty thousand-word novel from November first thru November 30th. It is a little harder this year with promotion of already published books. The competition is one of many sponsored by the Office of Letters and Light. This organization does a fantastic job of sponsoring writing projects at schools to encourage young readers and writers.

Stop by my blog: check out the Holiday Scavenger Hunt. More information about me, my books, contests, and new release dates can be found on my author website.

Jackie. Anton is the author of Backyard Horse Tales: Sox 2nd Edition recepient of the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award. She makes her home in Northeastern Ohio.
Mother of two adult Children and a Grandmother she and her husband of forty-one years live on a small farm in Medina Township. As author of the family friendly series Backyard Horse Tales (readers age 8-adult) her adult novels are written under the pen name J.M. Anton.

               An avid horseperson she and her husband continue to ride daily. She loves a good mystery as well as working out the day-to-day struggles and complexities of human relationships. Find out more about the author on her blog “Writing for readers in a .com world.


New author web site:

Book Web site: 10% Discount Code 1DepCart0 at checkout.

“Backyard Horse Tales” web site: 10% off code 1DepCart0

Be sure to follow the entire tour here.  J.M. will be awarding a $25 gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. 


  1. Thank you, Ruth, for hosting my book tour today.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for sharing your daily routine with us. It's funny when I read about authors who are taken over by their characters--the characters' stories insist on being put to paper. It's quite a compulsion! LOL.

  3. I really enjoyed your comments about your life. It leaves me with a feeling that you are very content with life right now. J also love the mystery about your story. Great blurb and excerpt.

  4. Oooh! Enticing exerpt! And I really enjoyed reading about her day. How wonderful to start the morning with horses. marthalynn16 at gmail

  5. I agree with you about the junk email. Every morning I spend an hour deleting it. It does get very annoying. I enjoyed reading about your day. Happy New Year.

  6. Thank you for sharing with us about your day, J.M!! You're a busy lady-- but it seems like it all pays off! :-)


  7. What a Beautiful Cover if I was in a store it would definitely catch my eye!!!


  8. thanks for an awesome giveaway! cant wait to read your book!


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