Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"The Devil's Garden" by Brady Christianson Review

Read my blog tour post with more information about the book and author here.
The Devil's GardenThe Devil's Garden by Brady Christianson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are several things that instantly drew me into the story of this book.  When the author began with a verse from the Bible, I was greatly intrigued.  And in spite of this being a "secular" book, there is no doubt in my mind that the author of this book subscribes to Christian principles.  I was completely impressed with the way in which the author handled the majority of theology in the book.

I am also very happy to report that the profanity in the book is extremely mild--I was honestly never offended.  There were no sex scenes, but there was violence.  But I will tell you that the violence was never senseless--at least on the part of the hero of the story.  No sex scenes either.  All of this was refreshing when you consider that this is a thriller novel.  I have come to almost expect vulgarity in all three areas listed, but there was none of that.  This thriller is probably about the cleanest thriller I have ever read.

I found myself immersed in the story for the most part.  Reading about a brave men who kills terrorists before they can kill us was truly humbling.  I am glad I don't have to do the job, but my hat is off to those who do.  I definitely owe them my lives and the lives of my family.

Honestly there is only one reason I didn't give the book the highest rating.  It is a long book--almost 400 pages.  I don't fault the author for this, but sometimes I found my interest waning.  Not having a military background and not being a man probably were two major reasons I found this happening at times.  It is not a fast-paced novel, but I will tell you that it is exciting.  I just prefer novels that move a little bit faster, but that is my personal preference.  It was a worthwhile read, and I could certainly recommend this book to thriller enthusiasts.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, thanks for the review. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you had a nice Christmas :)


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