Your first step towards this particular line of credit is going through their pre-qualification process. One of Hawkeye's FICO certified professionals will walk you through this process involving a complete evaluation of your personal and business credit status. They will use time-tested methods, and if you are not a good fit, they will let you know at once. If you do happen to be a potential good fit, you will be told in understandable terms exactly what your next options are. With your approval, they will move on to the second step.
During the second step, a five-minute credit check will done either online or over the phone. It is entirely possible that your business will be eligible for an unsecured line of credit immediately. Nevertheless, many businesses will have flaws in their credit history. These professionals will help you to fix the problems. Normally, within 30-45 days, their repair work will be done, and you will be move onto the final step. The professionals at Hawkeye will make sure you are notified of the progress every step of the way.
This final step (if you pass the first and second steps) is when Hawkeye guarantees you a minimum of $50,000 in unsecured business line of credit. Typically, you will receive most or even all of your money within thirty days.
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