Monday, December 24, 2012

Wedding Invitations, Part of a Long-Standing Tradition

One of the first things that a couple does when planning a wedding is pick out wedding invitations.  It is important to pick out something that will spark the interest of your potential guests and give them reason to attend your most important day.  As a couple, you may wish to keep your guests in suspense or match the invitations to your theme.  The choice is yours, but no matter what,  proper care in selecting these is imperative.

Wedding invitations have a long tradition that dates all the way back to the twelfth century.  It was the town crier's job to notify the community of the upcoming nuptials. The Middle Ages saw the nobles sending out beautiful announcements of the wedding because after all, they were the only ones who could read.  By the 1600's, it was becoming more commonplace for invitations to go out, and in the late 1700's, it was fashionable for beautifully designed invitations to be sent out.

In this contemporary age, the types of invitations from which to choose is almost endless.  Weddingstar has a vast array of designs from which you can choose.  You can even select personalized invitations that match you and your interests  to a tee.  Adding RSVP cards is an essential part of the process as well, and you will find sundry patterns for those as well.

One of the most crucial things you will need to determine is how you will word your invitations.  It is in your best interest to research wedding invitation etiquette so that you will communicate your intentions and plans clearly to potential guests.  You also don't wish for anyone to be offended by your word choice either.  While it would seem that there are a lot of decisions to make when it comes to these all-important invitations, the result will be worth it.


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