I remember this date as well. President Clinton was our forty-second president, and he is remembered as being a very popular democratic president. What is often forgotten are many of the issues raised during his presidency that were not so nice.
Does this woman look familiar? She is Monica Lewinsky, the woman with whom Bill Clinton had an affair. She was one of the reasons that this day in history occurred. It was on this date in 1998 that President Bill Clinton faced impeachment. In fact, it was on the 19th that the House of Representatives voted to impeach him. He is only the second president in U.S. history to face impeachment. Andrew Johnson was the first 130 years earlier. Of course, Clinton was acquitted February 12, 1999.
I can remember this time very well. As you might imagine, I was not a Clinton supporter. I am not saying he was absolutely horrible, but he was too liberal for my views. I remember hoping against hopes that Clinton would be removed from office. However, I think I knew he would not be removed. And indeed, he was not.
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